We will now put all the pieces together into actual command line application.

The design is already laid out for us, all we need is the implementation.

Exercise 1:

Implement an MVP of the command line interface using python's argparse library. You don't need to implement all the flags.

Remember that it is defined in SPC-cmd.

My Implementation

Add the following to flash/__init__.py

from __future__ import print_function import argparse from flash import quiz from flash import load def ask_question(question): """ask a question of the user. returns True if the answer is correct partof: #SPC-quiz-ask """ answer = raw_input("{}?: ".format( question.question)).strip().lower() return answer == question.answer def main(cwd, argv): """The executable that is called by the binary. partof: #SPC-cmd """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='flash', description='flash card quizzer') parser.add_argument( 'file', help='csv file to get quiz questions from') args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) questions = load.load_path(args.file) answered = quiz.Answered() msg = "Starting Quiz {}. Press Ctrl+C to quit." print(msg.format(args.file)) while True: question = quiz.get_question( questions, answered) result = ask_question(question) # see: #SPC-response if result: print("* Correct! Good job\n") else: msg = "X Incorrect." msg += " The correct answer is: " print(msg, question.answer, "\n") answered.record(question, result)

Now create a file at bin/flash and write the following:

#!/usr/bin/python2 import os import sys import flash if __name__ == '__main__': flash.main(os.getcwd(), sys.argv)

Then run the following:

note: export won't work on Windows. Instead run the following or see this guide:

export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
python bin/flash capitols.csv

note: for linux you can also make bin/flash executable with chmod a+x bin/flash and then you don't need python in front of it.

Congratulations - you have designed, developed and tested a full blown application!

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